Waves and Waves

waves and waves of grief
in the middle of an ocean
trying to stay afloat on a plank of redwood
at times succeeding
at times tumbling and falling
your balance is a fleeting joy
the next wave with its claw-like crests
drag you down 
by your hair 
and hold you there
under water
just beneath the surface
because you can't die just yet
it's not your turn

you are up and out
and breathing razor sharp cold air
fists up and ready to go again
but who are you fighting really?
your own anger and denial
your own grief and sadness
your own broken heart
your own damn self.  

i could feel forever
for as long as there are storms  
i could write endlessly
for as far as the ocean flows
i could never stop
for the words are endless drops of seawater
the ocean never dries
when it does 
so will I.    
