How WAS my weekend?

Remember this schedule I posted last week? 

Thursday, 2/9: Clean out space in master bedroom and vacuum the floor (1 hour). 
Friday, 2/10: Gather all clothes and sort (1-2 hours).  The master bedroom will be the staging area. 
Saturday, 2/11: Purge and Store.  Assess space.  (4 hours)
Sunday, 2/12:  Find a home for everything. (4 hours)

Yes well, I think it went more like this:

Thursday, 2/9:  Do everything else around the house besides clean out space in the master bedroom and vaccum the floor.  Also, rationalize that I have Friday to do this.

Friday, 2/10:  Rationalize that the master bedroom is clean enough and I don't have to clear a space or vaccuum the floor.  Also, do laundry. (I did gather all my dresses during my breaks from work since I was working from home and sort through them.  That was an accomplishment.) 

Saturday, 2/11:  Run around like a chicken with its head cutoff because CWP$ is leaving for a week.  Wait until baby's nap to empty out the closet and dresser.  Clothes are everywhere and I feel overwhelmed.  K wakes up and Gwen takes a nap in the middle of all my clothes.  Saturday night, go to mother-in-law's for dinner. Get home and start working on sections (tops, bottoms, sweaters, etc.).

Sunday, 2/12:  A much more productive day with clothes sorted and put back into the closet and dresser.  Now what remains are the donate bags and the don't want to donate/don't want to wear/store pile.

I do feel it was a success despite me not following my schedule completely.  I didn't really assess my space as well as I should have but surprisingly I now have the breathing room that I desired in both my closet and my dresser.  I purged a lot but a lot of the "purge" ended up in that limbo pile that sits in my bedroom taunting me.  Also, I did half-heartedly go through my handbag collection and didn't make much headway in purging the boxes.  I think I"m going to save them for this weekend or later on this month.  I was too taxed at the end of the weekend to even think about it.

I also realized that I want to install some hooks on the wall so that this can be my "outfit staging" area.  I even had some hooks from Target that I bought a while ago (re: many, many years ago).  I will ask CWP$ to help install since I think he'll be on board with the idea and I don't like standing on ladders with electric drills (my arms get tired!).  This idea if completed will accomplish my "functionality" goal.

So see?!  I did accomplish a lot.  I will post before and after photos when I get home.  I actually haven't taken any after photos yet.  Goals that still need work are: Purge and Store and Sustainable System.  Also, I still need to work on the rest of the month's schedule for bags, scarves, accessories, jewelry, and shoes. 

Photos are coming.   
