Before photos

As promised, here are my before photos.  I've been using my phone to take photos because it's just so darn easy to upload to Picasa and then Blogger.  But, the downside is that my poor-photo-taking skills are exacerbated by the phone camera.  But, I think you'll get the idea.

Here are all my dresses on the bed.  The red Qi Pao is from my wedding 5.5 years ago.  

A closer look at the dresses.  The black dress next to the red one is a maternity dress.

My closet and dresser dump in process (this isn't even close to all the piles I had).  

 You can catch a view of my closet in the photo below. 

So, I'll work on the after photos later.  I'm still working on my project and this week I'm supposed to be "editing" my work so far.  
