Recapping 2011 Resolutions

Let's recap last year's 2011 resolutions: 

1. Learn to be a good parent and continue to be good partner.
To be fair, this is really a life goal and not something to be accomplished in one year.  That being said, I think I've made a good start. 

2. Get more organized and reduce my purchases this year. Get rid of clutter!
Hmmmmmm...I think I was doing well until we moved and then it got kind of nuts.  I learned a lot about myself in the process of moving in October.  I was quite disappointed with my inability to get rid of more "stuff" but I realized that my two biggest problems when it comes to clutter are sentimentality and "maybe I can use this later or repurpose this."  Now that I've identified the problem, I can work smarter towards accomplishing this resolution. 

3. Get back into shape and run a half marathon.
So I signed up for a half marathon but didn't run it.  I did run a 10K on Thanksgiving and joined the gym at work.  I've been going to spin class and utlizing the treadmills/elliptical machines.  So, this is in progress and I will probably repeat for next year.  I figure that I'm going to get in great shape for 2012 to possibly pave the way for baby #2 (!).   

4. Return to work.
Ha!  Done. 

5. Have more patience.
I think if you ask the hubs or even my mom, I might have failed at this one.  Not sure if I got more patience but I know that I shifted whatever patience I had onto the baby.  That counts right?  Probably another repeater for 2012. 

6. Eat healthy and more vegetables. Cook more, eat out less.
Okay, yeah.  This is the one I didn't really get around to.  With carting the baby around on BART for most of the year to daycare and the demands of mother- and wife-hood, I just didn't make this a priority.  Another one for 2012 but I think I might tweak it a little.

7.  Resolve to be more green and less wasteful.
Oy, it's so hard to be less wasteful.  The "more green" part is so much easier.  I try to recycle as much as I can and reuse things but then I got into the problem with this conflicting with #2.  In my tweaking of 2012 resolutions, I'm going to identify more concrete ways I can accomplish being "less wasteful" and "more green."  It's just too broad as it is. 

So, I'll be working on my 2012 resolutions and will post them soon.  Happy New Year!!!
