In 2012, I Resolve

I've been working on my 2012 resolutions since the beginning of this month.  And, here they are in no particular order:

1.  Get organized and clutter-free!
In order to accomplish this, I decided that I would create a list of 12 organizing projects to be completed each month.  I'll post these separately since I will need to update my progress throughout the year. 

2.  Get fit and lose the baby weight!
I'm working on losing 5-10 more pounds.  I joined the gym at work and am aiming for 2-3 visits per week (for a class or just to workout on my own).  I'm also continuing to keep my 24Hour Fitness membership although I don't know where the closest one is since we moved.  Got to figure that one out.  Also, I want to run a half marathon before the year is over.  Last year I signed up for one but didn't run it because of timing (and yeah, I wasn't ready).  This year, I'm going to be more on top of it. 

3.  Get cooking! 
Seriously, I need to cook more because not only is it healthier for all of us but we'll save a sh*t-ton of money too.  I have to start bringing lunch to work; less eating out!  My plan is to menu-plan my weeks.  I'll be flexible but at least an outline is needed. 

4.  Get green...and really save money!
Again, stop eating out so much (but also maintain sanity).  Cut down on spending.  Create budgets. Repurpose things around the house but do not let this conflict with resolution #1 Get organized and clutter-free.  Switch to eco-friendly cleaners or make my own.  This one's a lofty resolution but I'm up for a challenge.

5.  Get crafty and creative!
I threw this in here because I think it's good to have a creative outlet for myself.  I've been thinking bi-monthly craft and/or DIY projects or maybe quarterly?  I'll save the hash-out for another post though.  I can actually repurpose the things I've saved to repurpose.  Come to think of it, this resolution complements #4 Get green...and really save money; nice how it works out that way.  My first project will be that T-shirt quilt I've been meaning to make.

6.  Get reading!
Yeah, I really, really need to read more.  Utilize my kindle and get books to enrich my mind and soul.  On the list so far:  The Hangman's Daughter and a book on effective leadership.

There's my plan for 2012...cheers!


Doris said…
Hi DJ!

not sure if this would fall into helpful organizing or a "i think it would be helpful but ends up taking more time really than helping" category - but I got a bento box cookbook for Christmas. It might be a fun way to do a couple things like

1) use up leftovers
2) go with the organizing theme
3) be greener/eat out less

It's based off this bento website:

I'm finding it easier to eat out less when my lunch is adorable and compartmentalized; and I'm hoping it will help me portion food as well. :D