Here we go again

Oy!  Why does it seem I cannot find a stable child care situation?  I'm trying, I swear but legitimate things just keep getting thrown in the mix.  I mean legitimate as in out of my control and unpredicatable - not because I'm crazy, psycho mom who plops her kid wherever.

I think I have to make a final decision though - one that is pretty much "final" or as final as any child care decision can be.  I'm leaning heavily towards putting Kent in the daycare center full-time or four days a week with MIL watching him one day a week.  I'm willing to give up working from home one of the two days in order to provide a more stable environment for my baby.  I think it's time to make the call.

Oh, and by the way blogosphere - we're moving yet again!  2nd move in two years, 3rd move in five years.  Can I possibly stay put for longer than 3 years?  Please?!  I reallly thought Milpitas was going to be it but I guess I didn't realize that my best job opportunities were going to be in SF.  I think we would have stayed in Milpitas if I had found a job just about anywhere else but San Francisco.  But the house was going to get too small very fast with the three of us, so maybe we wouldn't have stayed as long as I thought.

Moving is so hard.  We're doing some minor renovations right now so the big move isn't for another week or two.  I'm not looking forward to packing and unpacking.  I am however looking forward to not renting and living in a home that we kind of "designed" ourselves . The renovations are minor - like putting in tiles, hardwood floor, ceiling fan, and redoing the master bathroom's shower/tub.  But, it's going to be fun decorating and designing a new organization system for our new house.  Plus the view...omg, it is breathtaking.  I can't wait to wake up to the view of the beautiful hills. 


judyonthenet said…
You bought a place? I'm so jealous! We're saving for our own home in the hills, but I think it'll be a while before that happens. Congratulations on your new home! You guys will love the area.