November Rain

3 weeks since I started work...

It's been an interesting time adjusting to new schedules, new co-workers, new environment, new commute, etc. I have had some ups and downs in all this "new" adjustment. At the end of the day, I am happy I took this job and am still excited to go to work everyday. Things are different from my previous job but yet there are some familiarities...the office gossip around the water cooler, the coffee addiction that half the office seems to feed, office plants, and too much paper. I guess these things are unavoidable. I hope that I can keep the gossip to a minimum (I really haven't been participating since I have literally nothing to contribute. Plus, learning from my old job, I'd rather play dumb then get involved in something scandalous/controversial/stupid/detrimental to my career.) and the coffee addiction to one cup per day. Also, I hope to stay healthy through the flu and holiday season. I already got sidelined with the flu (or something like it) earlier last week. I've been guzzling that Emergen-C stuff and water to recover faster. I've also been using anti-bacterial hand gel and wipes to keep myself from infecting others and others re-infecting me. I am so considerate (haha).

The holiday season is quickly approaching and I am feeling wholly unprepared. What I do know is that I will be working way more than I have in the past. Gone are the days of my old job's AWESOME holiday schedule and AWESOME school vacations. I'm even working the day after Thanksgiving! Go figure that the federal government would NOT count this in its holiday schedule. At least it will be quiet. How odd that just a couple of months ago I was thinking of going to Boston for Thanksgiving and Christmas for extended periods of time but now all that seems like a dream from long ago. I hope my mom won't be too upset. I do wish I didn't live so far from my side of the family.

To kickoff the holiday season, CWP$ and I attended a kickass Halloween party last night. The photos are almost posted to our smugmug site. Peruse as you wish.

Bring on the holidays!!!


Tami said…
nice photo album! josh and i didn't take any pictures of ourselves together so it was nice to see yours! nice work with the curlers!