Longest Trip Ever
It's Saturday morning in Istanbul. Cheng is having trouble getting out of bed so I've decided to take some time to write a blog post. So, internet access in Greece ended up being more spotty and expensive than originally anticipated. This reason is supposed to explain my absence from blogging. I have been trying to update facebook and have managed to upload a 1/4 of my photos to Cheng and my smugmug site.
Istanbul is the last leg of our crazy super-vacation that included Athens, Mykonos, Paros, and Santorini. These past three weeks have passed at different speeds, quickly and slowly all at the same time. Have I enjoyed myself? A most emphatic yes! I think Cheng feels the same way too. In two-three days time, we'll be back to real life. It's weird to think that we've spent most of this month of September abroad and traveling. I hope it doesn't mess me up; I don't want to my body and mind to wonder where September went. I've decided to do captions that tell the story of my vacation. I think it's easier than trying to blogpost the entire trip post-vacation. Who has all that time anyways?
Well, just a few more days!