30 years to my Bro - Cheers!

Today is my 2nd oldest brother's 30th birthday. I wonder what he's thinking and feeling today, across the country. I talked to him for an hour last night wishing him a happy birthday, etc., as I was getting ready for bed and he just getting back from a birthday celebration on the East coast. He and I have not always had the best of sibling relationships. I suppose the best way to put it without betraying his or my confidences is that we had a sort of sibling "rivalry"; I put rivalry in quotes because it's not quite the right word. It's been complicated but less so as the years have gone by.

I think we have both grown up a lot, battled our own demons, made our own mistakes, and reflected upon our past. When I think back, I'm not sure where the turning point was - the point where we could talk honestly and openly with each other without fear, anger, or explosions. There was a point, th0ugh, I'm sure of it. There was a moment in time when we both figured out a way to talk to each other. We still fight, of course. There are the angry words, the insult hurling, the yelling - always yelling. But, there are also those conversations like last night where we actually listen to each other and offer each other sound advice, like brothers and sisters are supposed to do.

Besides trying to figure out the moment when all this happened, I also wonder how it happened. I guess I am different from high school and so is my brother. We've been through a lot as a family and as independent adults. I give a lot of credit to my brother though; he's been through and overcome a lot. Not that I want to compare my demons to his or vice versa, but I have this inkling that he's been through a lot harder struggles than me and perhaps continues to fight battles that I do not and probably will never have to fight. And, that might make him the strongest one in our family.

So big brother, I am proud of you and am grateful to have you as my brother.

Happy Birthday, many times over.

Your Little Sister


Doughmesticity said…
hey! didn't know you had a blog (well, two!). from your post it looks like you and your brother have come a long way. hope the relationship continues to strengthen! and happy birthday to your brother!