Monday morning...and no access to webmail

Another weekend has passed and here we are again...Monday morning. Today, I only felt the slightest tinge of jealousy that one of my friends has begun the first day of work. But then again, I am sitting in my bedroom, in my PJs, cat in my lap, and cup of coffee in hand surfing the internet and typing this blogpost while my friend is probably wearing some sort of suit (monkey suit as I like to refer to them), nervously meeting everyone in the office while instantaneously forgetting everyone's name and face, and getting buttloads of reading materials to peruse "when you have the chance." Haha...don't get angry friend! Remember, you are getting paid while I am mooching off my sugar daddy and eating away at my savings.

It has come to my attention that this particular friend does not have access to webmail. This is completely unacceptable to me. In this day in age, not having my gmail or yahoo would be like taking my cell phone away (wait, do they do that too?). I think the idea is that you will be more productive as a worker bee if you don't have these distractions, yet twitter and facebook are not blocked. Hmmmmmm...personal e-mail has become a tool, much like a pen or pencil. Denying access is like saying you can't write with a pencil, only a pen.

I wonder what you all think about this denial of access to personal e-mail. A good thing or a bad thing? And, does it really make an employee more productive if you cut off e-mail?
