Day Two: Why Am I doing this juice cleanse again?


So the morning started off all right.  I drank the other half of my Cozy Cashew and all of my Green Dream.  I did eat some apple slices because they were from yesterday.


Drank my coffee and PAMP.  Still going strong but the lunch crew is talking about sandwiches and salads.  I'm trying to shut them out.  Bury myself in work...


Finished my Beetastic; it was "beet-y."  Still I seem okay...been going to the bathroom non-stop though.  It's a lot of liquid i am ingesting.


OKay, here is where I'm having problems.  I'm hungry.  My system is "acting up" and I have the kind of cramps you get after swimming on a full stomach.  What the hell did I get myself into?  Whyyyyyyyyyyyy???


So I left work early to see if I could catch the hubs before he left for his business trip.  So I'm temporarily distracted from hunger.  I also don't have a chance to drink my Lively Lemonade.


Making dinner and it looks amazing.  I chug my Lively Lemonade and start in on my Tropical Greens juice.  I make the executive decision to eat a small plate of my amazing smelling and looking spaghetti with meat sauce.  It is truly awesome and I do not regret eating it at all.  Do NOT regret.


Baby's been asleep for almost an hour.  I'm starting in on my Cozy Cashew.  It tastes so delicious.  I think that cleansing for the day and then eating a sensible dinner is really okay for me.  I know it's not the "right" way to do a cleanse but I believe it's the right way for me.  My "system" is also "clearing" itself out as evidenced by the number of times I've had to go to the bathroom for not just #1 (if you know what I mean).  
