Happy Spring

Yesterday was the first day of Spring.  I'm ready for a change in season.  I think I'm also ready for other changes in my life but I'll leave that for another day to talk about.  I'm not quite ready yet, plus there are some things I need to do first before I talk about it. 

Though it may seem I haven't written in a while, I actually wrote a loooooong entry a bit ago.  Recently, I've become kind of paranoid about internet privacy and all that.  What if a future employer (or current employer) reads something I wrote and decides not to hire me or some other negative arbitrary decision?  What if a facebook status or photo I post reveals something about me that I did not intend or is misconstrued?  So for that reason, I decided to keep that particular post as a draft.  Maybe I'll be brave enough to publish some of it.  It's funny; I spend so much time thinking about how cool it would be if tons of people read my blog and developed some huge following where everyone hung onto my every typed word. Yet, the next moment, I do a complete 180 and am terrified at the thought that people are judging me and assuming the worst.  But, somewhere in the middle is my voice struggling to be heard by someone other than my obvious multiple personality disorder (FYI - I'm being sarcastic people; I don't have a multiple personality disorder which is a real mental illness.). 

I want to write; I want to be creative!  I suppose part of that desire is taking a risk; I have to be prepared for the consequences.  But I have a responsibility for protecting myself and those I might write about (particularly my family and friends).  I felt a little paralyzed by this fear earlier this month; I also was really tired and unmotivated to write.  I'm still here though; still truckin', still writin'. 


SuperC said…
try reading www.renegademothering.com. She is a friend of mine from HS and she speaks her mind. It's liberating.