Post-Graduation in a Recession Disorder

So, I've graduated from graduate school and I do not have a job. I've been feeling rather down lately, as if feeling useless and unworthy. I think I need to rethink this whole unemployment thing. There don't seem to be any jobs out there right now with the economy the way it is. Although, when I heard a news report over the radio that we're now in "recovery" mode, I couldn't help but scoff and then feel really bad about myself. I scoffed because I just didn't think recovery was happening and if it is, then it's certainly not fast enough. And then, I felt bad about myself because the economy REALLY is recovering and I haven't found a job yet, then what does that mean for me? What does that say about me?

This is why I think I have Post-Graduation in a Recession Disorder. It happens in a few stages, first frustration, anger, denial (always have to have denial), followed by guilt, low-self esteem, listlessness, and then finally resignation. Many stages, I know and the best part is that they don't have to necessarily happen in the order listed. These symptoms can occur in any possible permutation. They can repeat or even happen all at once. I should have been a doctor; at least, I'd still be in school.
